Things to Know About Serengeti Migration

About Serengeti


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January to December
Wildlife Safari


Mara river crossing, Calving Season .......

About Serengeti Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration Is an ongoing annual migration of giant herds of grazers across Northern Tanzania and Kenya. The Great Wildebeest migration is truly spectacular event where over two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles make their movement around the Serengeti National Park and Masai Mara ecosystems in search of green pasture, in a regular pattern. This is surely one of the greatest wonders of the natural world.

The Great Migration can always be seen in Tanzania all year round ,Where they migrate in a circular motion around the Serengeti National Park as such it is an ongoing event.

The Great Wildebeest Migration can only be seen in the Masai Mara Kenya where the herds only ever venture there as an extension of their grazing lands in the northern point of Tanzania if they need to for fresh pastures. You can only find the migration in Kenya within a few months of the year when they head towards the border, and even then, most of the herds are still mulling around the northern parts of the Serengeti anyway.

There are three seasons of the Great Wildebeest Migration which are Mara River crossing season, Calving Season and Green Season. In these seasons answer the question when it is the best time to Visit the Great Wildebeest Migration.

Mara River crossing season: This occurs when the wildebeest are in the northern Serengeti plains, and you have a chance of seeing up to thousands crossing the great Mara River. As the sight of the wildebeest crossing the so dramatic, it is considered by many the most desirable time to see the migration. This season takes place around July to October.

Calving Season: During this season the wildebeest tend to be in the southern area of the Serengeti, more specifically in Ndutu which is actually in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Along with the river crossings, this is a real highlight of the wildebeest’s journey and a fabulous time to see the herds congregate on the dramatic sweeping plains of the south. This season takes place from December to March, Where February is the only time of year when you are almost guaranteed to see the big herds all together as they always come south for calving season.

Green Season: This season include the rest of the year that is in In November, April, May and June. During this season the migration is “in between” locations and as such these months are slightly transitional times to see the herds. November is the short rains, April and May are the long rains and as such the grass is green in these months across the Serengeti, so the wildebeest are more dispersed than in the prime time of July – October and December – March. Thus, you don’t get as many of those condensed big herds which people get excited about!

I hope through this explanation has help to clarify what Great Wildebeest Migration is all about.

Most safari to the Serengeti National Park start from the town of Arusha. Tanzania best safarie offer four options to get there which are :-

  1. 1. Drive in-Drive Out
  2. 2. Drive in-Fly out
  3. 3. Fly in-Drive out
  4. 4. Fly in –Fly out
So if you have a considering Visit to the Great Wildebeest Migration we would highly recommend you to choose Tanzania Best safari for the extraordinary memory in life.